Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Last Day of 2014

2014 was a special year for me. I know every year has been, but this was especially special . . . up until this year, I guess.
I had so many new experiences; I learned so much; and I really grew. So many things changed this year — the place where I call home, the people I call my neighbors and friends, academics, and even myself. I made a countless mistakes, but I had the opportunity to learn and grow for them, too. . .
I have many thoughts, but few words to express them with. All I can say is that these verses have grown wondrously beautiful to me:
“For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself” (2 Timothy 2:11-13).
Especially the last verse.
Just this week, our family received a present of the music CD Count It All Joy. I have not had time to listen to all of the songs yet, but I want to include “The Father’s Love for Me” here. Older people might find my choice amusing, and it may seem a bit ironical (because I have more than three decades remaining to turn fifty) . . . but I love the words.
“The Father’s Love for Me”
How the years have gone by as a dream
But what are they to Thee, in the light of ETERNITY.
And though the times have changed, You have ALWAYS been the same
As I look back and see, Your faithfulness to me
In Your goodness and Your grace, I have always found Your strength
You have taught my heart to see, Thy wondrous will for me
And in the joys and tears, in life’s trials with its fears
You have caused my heart to sing, neath the shelter of Your wings
How the years have gone by as a dream
And what are they to me, in the light of Thy Majesty!
And soon Christ comes for me, in Thy presence EVER to be
Then FOREVER will I sing, of Thy wondrous for me
Then FOREVER will I sing! Of my Father’s love for me
I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future! And I can rest in peace, because He has proved Himself faithful. . . Come, Lord Jesus!

Last day of 2014

2014 was a special year for me. I know every year has been, but this was especially special . . . up until this year, I guess.
I had so many new experiences; I learned so much; and I really grew. So many things changed this year — the place where I call home, the people I call my neighbors and friends, academics, and even myself. I made a countless mistakes, but I had the opportunity to learn and grow for them, too. . .
I have many thoughts, but few words to express them with. All I can say is that these verses have grown wondrously beautiful to me:
“For if we be dead with him, we shall also live with him: If we suffer, we shall also reign with him: if we deny him, he also will deny us: If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself” (2 Timothy 2:11-13).
Especially the last verse.
Just this week, our family received a present of the music CD Count It All Joy. I have not had time to listen to all of the songs yet, but I want to include “The Father’s Love for Me” here. Older people might find my choice amusing, and it may seem a bit ironical (because I have more than three decades remaining to turn fifty) . . . but I love the words.
“The Father’s Love for Me”
How the years have gone by as a dream
But what are they to Thee, in the light of ETERNITY.
And though the times have changed, You have ALWAYS been the same
As I look back and see, Your faithfulness to me
In Your goodness and Your grace, I have always found Your strength
You have taught my heart to see, Thy wondrous will for me
And in the joys and tears, in life’s trials with its fears
You have caused my heart to sing, neath the shelter of Your wings
How the years have gone by as a dream
And what are they to me, in the light of Thy Majesty!
And soon Christ comes for me, in Thy presence EVER to be
Then FOREVER will I sing, of Thy wondrous for me
Then FOREVER will I sing! Of my Father’s love for me
I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future! And I can rest in peace, because He has proved Himself faithful. . . Come, Lord Jesus!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Christmas — "Christ was Sent"
The winter sun shone down upon our little group as we stood in a semicircle around my father.
“Now,” he began, “we will go out to the villages to invite the people to the Gospel meeting this evening.”
Heads nodded and fingers gripped the precious little booklets.
“But,” he continued, “what will you say if they ask you about it? What will you say if someone asks you what Christmas is?”
A slight rustle filled in as he paused for a breath.
“Christmas means that Christ was sent. But we are not only telling them that He was sent but whyHe was sent. To really tell someone, you need to know this from your heart. If you don’t, it will not be really effective at all.”
An earnest prayer, a reminder to be back by 3:30, another reminder to hurry and get to as many houses as possible, and a patter of feet crossing the wooden plank . . . each pair set on a mission to obey the Great Commission.
For two hours we walked the dusty roads, handed out tracts, and talked to anyone who would listen. The odd thing was, no one asked me what Christmas was; they all seemed to know it was the special day of those who had set up the tent in the field. But I told them anyway, since they did not know any more than that.
An old lady was quite remarkable. She was sitting in the sun, happy to have anyone to talk to. When I invited her to the evening program, she did not hear. I shouted (almost literally), and she responded easily, “When did this religion came to be? Is it quite new? All the 70 years of my life I had not heard anything like it!”
“But, Grandmother, the God Who made the earth and sky always was. We did not know Him, but He is the One Who made us. The stone idols you worship did not make you, now, did they?”
She tried to evade my question cleverly, “Stone? Ah, no, I worship that Tulsi tree over there, they call it Narayan.”
I tried to explain, but she would not listen. Her grandchildren came near and stared at me with wide eyes, and her daughter-in-law arrived with a great load of grass on her back.
“Oh,” she said busily, “we are folk who have to work to eat. I suppose you have a job in this religion?”
Poor woman! She had no idea of the great and beautiful news of the Sent Christ which I had in my heart but felt so inadequate to explain it to her. How could I point her to Him with a few words? How would she, who sat in utter darkness, receive such a great light in a blink of an eyelash? Being at a loss of words, I handed her the tract with a short explanation and an invitation to the meeting. She accepted it with a nod and went back to her work. . .
Maybe 150 or more people attended the meeting that evening. A hymn was sung, and the Gospel message was presented. Right in front of the most venerated temple in the village, God’s truth shone forth. I didn’t realize it at that time, but it was a little ironic that no one protested when our brother repeated again and again, “Idolatry is sin. Worshipping idols is sin in God’s eyes.” But, truly, they have received nothing from that idol in order to defend it, anyhow.
The meeting was closed, the final clean-up finished, and we waited in the village while the van and jeep took the other believers home. While waiting for the van to come back, we drank tea, ate leftovers from lunch, and talked with the local believers.
And I learned some new things; one of which I will mention here: The sister mentioned that when she was married and brought into her new house, she had been given a broom to worship, serve, and bow down to. A broom.
How stark the difference! How the light dispels the darkness! In the program earlier that evening, a testimonial video of one of our brother’s life had been shown, From Drugs to Christ. I whole-heartedly agree that that was amazing; who wouldn’t?
But . . . when I think about it, being saved from idols (like that broom) to Christ is just as amazing. Too often I don’t think much of it since almost everyone is saved from a Hindu background . . . but when I do think, it is wondrous.
Oh, the beauty of the Christmas message — the Son of God sent for us!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, vast, unmeasured, boundless, free!
Rolling as a mighty ocean in its fullness over me!
Underneath me, all around me, is the current of Thy love
Leading onward, leading homeward to Thy glorious rest above!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, spread His praise from shore to shore!
How He loveth, ever loveth, changeth never, nevermore!
How He watches o’er His loved ones, died to call them all His own;
How for them He intercedeth, watcheth o’er them from the throne!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, love of every love the best!
’Tis an ocean full of blessing, ’tis a haven giving rest!
O the deep, deep love of Jesus, ’tis a heaven of heavens to me;
And it lifts me up to glory, for it lifts me up to Thee!
— S. Trevor Francis

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Looking back on 12.13.14

I relished those delightful dates ever since I learned about them, one sunny homeschooling day with Saxon Math. But they are gone for the next century now. . .When I was younger, the years seemed to pass so slowly, and my birthdays were so far apart! But now, I wonder where the time went . . .
And, I  think we all tend to look back at the end of the year, at least, I do.
On January, I joined CollegePlus! It was all so new, scary, and confusing. I went through so much during the first 6 months — planning out my degree, scheduling tests to fit into my family’s schedule, testing out of Sociology and Psychology, whipping through four math courses in approximately four weeks of study, taking my first Straighterline courses, and on and on! It wasn’t easy, but I learned much from the new challenges I had to face.
After 6 months, I decided I had gotten the “hang of it.” I scheduled a hold for six months, and said goodbye to my coach. It was exciting! I was going to talk to her in January 2015. I was going to have 30 more credits by then (almost a Junior). Or so I thought — because we had planned it all out. What was God going to teach me? I started a new diary, too.
Immediately, I got stuck on Human Resource Management. I couldn’t test because of my family schedule. What should I do? I decided to leave it, took some Straighterline courses and bam! I became a Sophomore. I now understand why Sophomores are so-called. When I was a Freshman, I knew nothing. I had no experience. I was confused when people talked about “CbEs” and “PLAs.” Now, 30 credits later, I knew. But still, I didn’t know as much as I thought I did. That’s why I was a Sophomore, a “wise fool.”
Thus, I went along the journey. And there were obstacles. My siblings got ill. We had days of traveling (that turned into weeks). I just couldn’t concentrate sometimes. And unexpected things happened: because of the time scheduling, I could not take a CP course as planned; I got a notification that I had gotten a “coach transfer”; one week, we had almost 20 guests at our house (try not to imagine the mess). Then there were special programs to spur me on my way: Summer Bible Training, Ladies’ Annual Meeting, Baptism Programs, Missions Conference, and Winter Bible Training.
Now I’m nearly at the end. One month later, I will meet my new coach. I will have to tell her what I’ve accomplished during my coaching hold. It’s scary. It’s exciting, too.
So, I looked back over my diary, trying get an overall-view of the past six months. As I look back, I see where I’ve been victorious, where I’ve failed, and where I could’ve done better by trusting more, obeying more, walking closer with my Savior, being more productive. Yet, I know, through it all, whatever happened, HE WAS MY GUIDE. I couldn’t have done it without Him and His gentle guidance. I didn’t have a coach to check on me and look over my shoulder, but He was a Guide all the time. I am so glad.
When I was finishing up high school, I used to worry what I would do after 12th grade. Graduation seemed to me a dreaded doom, an unwelcome door of uncertainty that was soon to be opened for me. God’s Word had comforted me, and it still does. Psalm 48:14 is one of my favorite verses:
“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death” (Ps 48:14).

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A quotation from Amy Carmichael

Being single-hearted?
That is very hard sometimes. Or so I am finding it.
Wake up, devotions, kitchen work, guests, house work, school, kitchen work, music, kitchen work, school with familyandmusicandchurchandrelationships squashed in somewhere amongst them. . . At last the heart in the grist mill begins to wonder if the whirl will ever end, if there will ever be a peaceful hour again . . .
The daily duties can become a grind and life can seem lifeless IF you don’t abide in the Giver of Life.
For sure, there are countless things in life that try to tear the life apart, but the patience that will look to the Life will survive. Patience isn’t doing anything. It is just abiding, staying, waiting. I like to remember that word in 2 Peter 1:16 — it means to simply stay under and remain under whatever is pressing from above. God has not commanded me to lift the weight that is over me; but He has commanded me to be patient as long as I am under it. And He will be with you, as He has been with me — even under the trials! And with Him, all is joy and all is peace.
“Blessed are the single-hearted, for they shall enjoy much peace. If you refuse to be hurried and pressed, if you stay your soul on God, nothing can keep you from that clearness of spirit which is life and peace. In that stillness you will know what His will is.”
He has provided the way of peace! Praise Him!