That was a busy week!
Sunday through Wednesday, I was preparing for the Children’s Program of planned for Thursday and Friday.
Most of the time, I was translating and preparing for my missionary story Ringu of India. In between, there were games, activities, crafts, memory verses, tests, coloring pictures, print-outs and a lot of other things to plan out. It was challenging, but God helped me.
Since I had a coaching call on Wednesday night, I had a chance to talk it over with my coach. Together, we made a motto for the upcoming event: “Top priority: God first.” We wanted to keep it short and simple so that at any time, I could pull it out in a second without going through all the logistics. My goal was to go through this program keeping Him —and only Him first — in each and every work or activity.
Then the program itself! God does prove Himself faithful every time! When we trust in Him, He never lets us down. I think the root problem of most of our problems is that we just don’t trust and rest.
There were lessons to learn . . .
verses to memorize — on one foot . . .
little ones to comfort . . .
games to play . . .
crafts to make . . .
and all too soon — the last group photos. . .
Was it worth it?
How can I say it wasn’t?! It was a pleasure, a joy, a blessing, a challenge . . . a victory!
I was working with the some of the girls and one of them asked me when the next program would be.
“Next year,” another girl answered for me.
“Oh . . . we have our program only once a year — but we have Bible Trainings 3-4 times!” she complained.
I couldn’t help smiling. It is my fervent prayer that each of them will come to know the Lord personally and love Him and serve Him.
Did I stick to my goal always?
Always — no. I remember at least one time when I didn’t keep God first — I was too excited with my lesson. And, yes, it was the worst one. But I learned. And I’m glad.
On Saturday, they presented the two verses they learned and one of the songs in the worship service. They did well!
And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. — 1 Jn 3:23. . . for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart. — 1 Samuel 16:7b