And Theseus . . . returned to the entrance of the Labyrinth. . . with a pelekis, a ball of red fleece thread, and great intuition . . . he had prevailed over the fearful Minotaur. . .
If you happen to have a puzzled look on your face, go read Greek mythology to find out . . .
Is life a maze?
Sometimes I feel that way — especially when I see the same dead end before me again and again. Finding myself at the same place I had hoped to never see again is quite disheartening.
How did I get there? Obviously, I arrived there because I went through the same entrance, followed the same path, and made the same turns.
How was that possible? Probably, I forgot. Most certainly, I did not realize it was the wrong path. If I had, I wouldn’t have come all the way there!
For me, the most grievous part being deflected in such a way is the knowledge that it did not have to happen. As a child of God and redeemed by His infinite grace, I know that it is not my Father’s will for me to waste my life by “going in circles” and ending up in cul-de-sacs.
What light, direction, and guidance I need, He has already provided. It is when I step into the darkness, depart from the way, and leave my guide, that I get lost. The Psalmist has said,
“Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:103).
He has not promised to light up the whole maze, but He has promised to be our guide, even unto death (Psalm 48:14 ). The light we need to take one step ahead of us, He has promised to give. But when I step away from the Light of Life, how can I possibly expect to walk in the same path as He is, in Whom is no darkness at all?
He is the Way, the Truth, the Life. He is the Light, the Lamp, the Guide. Dear reader, do you have Him with you? He has given His promise that those who put their trust in Him shall not be ashamed. The flip side of it is: if we do not, we shall be.
I wonder how I could have lived 13 years of my life without that Light. I wonder how I can still turn my back to Him and step aside, into the darkness. It is possible — it is easy. The old one within me loves that. But the end of it are the ways of death.
“I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:” (Deut 30:19).
Choose life, choose life! That is the beautiful command of our soul’s greatest Lover.