Do you keep your promises? Or, in other words, can you remember any promise that you haven’t kept?
Who can’t?
We all have broken our word at one time or another. Perhaps we may have forgotten, but be assured that the person to whom you made the promise has not. That person will probably be hesitant to remind you of your promise; you might even convince yourself that he has forgotten. Though it might never be spoken of, that promise will remain.
I stare into space, not really looking at anything — I’m going backward in time, in my catalog of memories. I can see them all before me — the place where we were, the exact position we were in, the words he said. Many of them were not really promises, either. They were just small, seemingly insignificant things.
But still, I remember. When I think of that person — separated by oceans and continents — his words come back to me and make me wonder if he has forgotten.
Today, my uncle came to our “new” house for the first time; and he had lunch with us. Nine years ago (it seems like yesterday!), he had come to our village house in the mountains. I was just ten years old, then. I was helping mother with small tasks around the kitchen during mealtime when he said with a laugh, “The next time I come, I want to eat the meal that you have prepared yourself!”
I can remember my consternation with a smile today. Countless times did I remembered that little joke with fear and apprehension. I wouldn’t mind (much) if five uncles dropped in around mealtime today; but I truly worried about it when I was little. . . And, today, I wondered if he remembered.
Go back today. Remember the little promise you made to that child and make the plans to fulfill it. Don’t fool yourself. Don’t lie. Be true!
“Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth” (1 John 3:18).