I tried to post in January. . . well, I have a couple of hours left until it is February, anyhow.
It seems as if I cannot make time for many things — especially this last week. However, making weekly goals is helping me. When I don’t succeed, I can see where I failed and try harder next week.
This year, I made a lot of goals for 2015 (like completing a year of violin classes and reading at least 12 good books). But I know that I will not get anywhere if I don’t make short-distance goals, too. If I do not carve out time for music lessons and reading, I cannot expect to meet those goals.
Last year, I read a free eBook from CollegePlus, How to Set Goals That Will Stick by Rachel Martin. I thought it was interesting; however, I had too many things going on to have time left over to plan out any goals for the year. Looking back, I realize that I could have accomplished much more if I had made some goals.
When I studied Management recently, I found out just recently that Rachel Martin’s explanation of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Sensitive) was a management strategy. As the children of God we should be good managers and stewards of the time we are given here on earth. We are told to “redeem the time.”
When I have my goals in front of me and know the priorities, there is more chance that I will get more things done than if I float through the week with nothing in mind other than “finish this school work.”
And the biggest priority that sets all priorities in order is my relationship with God. Unite my heart to fear Thy name!