I did not think about the government very often. Though I was thankful for the freedoms I have and the security I live in and pray for those in authority, I took many things for granted. However, several things in these past days have made me realize the great blessing God gave us when He gave us the government. On the 20th of January, Nepal was on strike. It was odd to feel the hush . . . in any other normal day, the market across the street would be a hive of activity by 3-4 AM. That day, however, people were walking and bicycling. People were leading their motorbikes in the highway, not daring to start the ignition unless they were out of the sight of the police. And ambulances! They were transporting people to and from the hospital throughout the day. That was a strange day. It was more than “strange” in Kathmandu, the capital, though. Vehicles were burned and riots broke out. Thousands of police lined the streets. . . I’m glad it wasn’t as bad here. Four days later, we had just church services. People were heading home when one of our women was hit when she was crossing the road. Accidents are not uncommon here, and the police quickly had everything under control. Before, I hadn’t really appreciated the presence of police. But when we needed help, it was quite another story, then. . . ! 1 Timothy 2 and Romans 13 are no longer mere head for me. I am thankful for the authority that God has placed over us and I will pray for the authorities. They have a hard job to do. People are quick to judge, slow to respect, and grudge gratitude. I don’t want to be one of such.